Warning Signs

There are Many Warning Signs of an abusive relationship.

If you think you are in an abusive relationship, take the time to confirm your instinct or gut feeling by answering the following questions. Be honest with yourself.

Answer our checklist below.

1. Does your partner tease you in a hurtful way in private or in public?
2. Does your partner call you names such as “stupid” or “bitch”?
3. Is your partner jealous of your friends, family, or co-workers?
4. Does your partner get angry about the clothes you wear or how you style your hair?
5. Does your partner check up on you by calling, driving by, or getting someone else to?
6. Has your partner gone places with you or sent someone just to “keep an eye on you”?
7. Does your partner insist on knowing who you talk with on the phone?
8. Does your partner blame you for his problems or his bad mood?
9. Does your partner get angry so quickly that you feel like you’re “walking on eggshells”?
10. Does your partner hit walls, drive dangerously, or do other things to scare you?
11. Does your partner often drink or use drugs?
12. Does your partner insist you drink or use drugs with him?
13. Have you lost friends or no longer see some of your family because of your partner?
14. Does your partner accuse you of being interested in someone else?
15. Does your partner read your mail, go through your purse, or other personal papers?
16. Does your partner keep money from you, keep you in debt, or have “money secrets?”
17. Has your partner kept you from getting a job, or caused you to lose a job?
18. Has your partner sold your car, made you give up your license, or not repaired your car?
19. Does your partner threaten to hurt you, your children, family, friends, or pets?
20. Does your partner force you to have sex when you do not want to?
21. Does your partner force you to have sex in ways that you do not want to?
22. Does your partner threaten to kill you or himself if you leave?
23. Is your partner like “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde,” acting one way in front of other people and another way when you are alone?


Contact us to see how we can help you.

At West Christchurch Women’s Refuge, we offer a range of programmes that assist in raising awareness of what an abusive relationship is and how to move on from the relationship and take control of your life and future.


The FIVE  Tactics Of Abuse Used 

Physical  Abuse 

Emotional or Physiological  Abuse 

Sexual Abuse 

Economic Abuse 

Spiritual Abuse